Cairns BMX Club - Seal Standard Custom Plate
The Seal Custom BMX Plates' standard plates are made from only the highest quality materials. These custom style race plates come made from strong clear polycarbonate plastic, the highest quality vinyl possible and Velcro straps to fasten the plate to your handlebars.
Please allow up to 7 business days for dispatch of custom plates as plates are made to order and take time to be designed, printed and produced.
*All plates come as the same size plate other than mini wheeler plates which are slightly smaller and made from more flexible polypropylene plastic due to the nature of being lower and closer to the kid's moving legs on a balance bike.
Background colour options available correspond to the class the rider is competing in.Find your colour needed by using the guide below:
Yellow: Men/Boys open age classes of 8 years old and above.
Orange: Sprocket riders/Boys and Girls of ages 7 and below.
Blue: Women/Girls open age classes of 8 years old and above.
Red: Any gender, competing on a 24 inch wheel size bike.
Purple: Mini Wheelers/ Kids competing on a balance / walking bike without pedals.
Green: Riders competing in the novice class age catagories.
White: Elite class riders
Black: Junior elite class riders